GIM’s flagship strategy is a broadly diversified, sleeve-managed portfolio specifically structured for large mandates. The portfolio is diversified by portfolio manager, sector, and LifeCycle (Pioneer, Core Growth, Special Situation).
Emphasis on well-positioned companies that have characteristics to sustain >15% growth for the next 5-7 years. The portfolio is concentrated, representing stocks of sustainable growth companies exhibiting attractive risk/reward. The portfolio is diversified by various factors, though has a consistent overweight in the info tech sector.
This micro-to-small cap portfolio has an emphasis on emerging growth and unrecognized growth companies. The portfolio, while diversified by both sector and LifeCycle, has a heavy footprint in the biotech/med-tech industries, which is balanced by exposure to well-positioned industrial and materials companies.
A compelling combination of two long-standing GIM strategies - Small Cap Focused Growth and Small Cap Discoveries – that leverages the expertise of the two PM’s through GIM's sleeve-managed method. The resulting portfolio is diversified across sectors and LifeCycles.
A high conviction portfolio of stocks and compelling combination of companies with exceptional long-term growth or companies undergoing material fundamental business improvement.
A high conviction portfolio of small caps stocks representing compelling combinations of long-term growth or companies undergoing material fundamental business improvement.
A high conviction portfolio representing companies primarily in developed markets around the world with a minimum of 50% of the portfolio representing US companies (mirroring the benchmark). The portfolio is diversified by sector and LifeCycle.
Concentrated portfolio of early stage, innovative companies with outsized potential for enterprise growth. The portfolio is diversified across LifeCycles and will have strong exposure to the healthcare sector. The portfolio focuses on stocks of companies with market caps under $750mil.
This small-to-mid cap growth portfolio prioritizes US companies that are making a social or environmental difference by aiding individuals, companies, and governments meet their sustainability goals.